Financial Results Presentation for the 12th Fiscal Period (November 2017)January 2018


The 12th Fiscal Period (November 2017)January 2018


Highlights of the 5th PO

Highlights of the 12th Fiscal Period (ended November 2017)and onwards

1. Financial Highlights Financial Results for the 12th Period (ended November 2017)

2. Financial Forecasts

3. External Growth, Internal Growth and Financial Strategies

4. Others





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The first point in the upper left introduces some of our efforts for revenue increase.
In the 12th period, we achieved a revenue increase of ¥2.25 million by several measures including a new lease contract concluded for mandatory attached parking facilities, a commencement of lease of excess space and installation of antennas.
At the bottom, measures such as replacement of power companies and converting to LED light are shown. Those are our efforts to cost reduction as well as environment protection.
Through those measures, we expect a cost reduction of ¥16.1 million per period, and will continue implementation of those measures in order to improve profitability even further.

No.3 in the upper right shows examples of value-up constructions.
In addition to increasing value of the building, these measures also aim at increasing tenant satisfaction, boosting facility attractiveness and competitiveness, which should lead to revenue contribution.

In the bottom, some events organized in Tokyu Plaza Omotesando are introduced.