Financial Results Presentation for the 12th Fiscal Period (November 2017)January 2018


The 12th Fiscal Period (November 2017)January 2018


Highlights of the 5th PO

Highlights of the 12th Fiscal Period (ended November 2017)and onwards

1. Financial Highlights Financial Results for the 12th Period (ended November 2017)

2. Financial Forecasts

3. External Growth, Internal Growth and Financial Strategies

4. Others





Next is our external growth.

Since listed in June 2012, we have acquired 25 properties with an asset size of ¥263.4 billion through five-times public offerings, and as of January 17, 2018, the AUM reached to ¥431.5 billion with 42 properties, for a focused investment ratio of 80.6%.

We aim to achieve further external growth through rigorous selection of investment assets with a focus on location and quality.

Next I would like to explain our properties recently acquired.

Please proceed to the next page.